Kyle Fricilone

Software engineer with a wide variety of interests, ranging from full stack web to reverse engineering to android apps to game servers and everything between

About me

I first ventured down the path of programming at the age of 13. I started by asking a simple question: How are games made? From there, I worked to recreate a game server based on a game I played at the time. During this venture I found one of my other interests, reverse engineering. As my interests in programming grew, I ventured out to learn other areas of programming such as android apps, unity games, full stack web, microservices and CLI tools. In the past 10 years I have discovered one truth: I love to program.

I graduated May 2020 with a BS in Computer Science and a Minor in Mathematics from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

Currently, I work for a small business as a software engineer utilizing technologies such as Gradle, Java, Spring, MyBatis, Oracle, WebLogic and MinIO.


About this website

This code for this site can be found at kfricilone/ The backend of the site is written in Kotlin and uses Ktor for the webserver and Thymeleaf for the layout. The frontend is written in Typescript and SCSS.

The github cards were created in Kotlin/JS using Kotlin-React, Kotlin-Styled and Ktor. The code can be found at kfricilone/kard.